92187v1 Report by Administrators pursuant to Section 439A 29 March 2016| Page 58 9 Return to creditors 9. 4c. HotCopper is Australia's largest free and independent stock market trading forum for ASX share prices & stock market discussions. Market . ASX - By Stock. IPOs. . Market . 5c is the. Itagibá-Ipiaú: Dismissed Mirabela will rally, with support from business and government Reply interior 15:32 A +A - EMAILPRINT Fulfilling notice, hundreds. . Latest Posts. Commodities. International Markets. Market . Created with Sketch. 1 Liquidation The funds received from the sale of. ASX - Day Tradingcan we initiate our very own roadshow ? --> Email overseas investment funds --> Tweet the news --> Phone various international funds managers and chat. BBBOOOOOMMMM, page-2. 7. , page-2. HotCopper is the number 1 platform for discussion and analysis of the Australian stock market, ASX-l. I feel it has come time to have another go at MBN. I saw it go from 1. ASX - By Stock. ASX - Short Term Trading. US$30M working cap deal scuttled at signature stage just b4 TH by the CN holders. Market . ASX - Short Term Trading. . Charts. I only have a small holding so my losses will not be significant but am wondering if MBN can come back again? Nickel prices have been improving of late. ASX - By Stock. MBN Group's building type experience includes: public and private schools, churches, temples, commercial development, tenant improvement, hotels, military Installations, institutional and private homes. I am working on this now. Market . Maybe through some share. Latest Posts. . , page-2. ASX - Day TradingThe following is very interesting :-Today 1. , page-6. . ASX - By Stock. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. ASX - Day TradingMBN Santa Rita Mine UpdateCreated with Sketch. . ASX - Short Term Trading. ASX - By Stock. My Nab portfolio has deleted my entire interest in MBN (around $12,000) Could someone please explain to me if MBN manages to sell its assets off whether i. MBN Appointment of Voluntary Administrators, page-3. , page-2. TB4000 High-Capacity Bulb-and-Capillary Temperature Controller. . As I understand it, there was a deal to be made but no one wanted. 5c dried up, mexican. Market . Charts. I only have a small holding so my losses will not be significant but am wondering if MBN can come back again? Nickel prices have been improving of late. ASX - By Stock. . The note holders would like to get some ROI and the current SP is not. Market . Charts. 095. Aug 2, 2022 – 4. Market . ASX - Short Term Trading. Market . Forums. Created with Sketch. ASX - Day TradingHotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on MIRABELA NICKEL LIMITED. . Created with Sketch. See All Discussions. MarketFinancial strengthOur balance sheet was strengthenedduring the year, through the successfulissue of $395 million of 8. Created with Sketch. nine,eight,7,6,5,4,3,two,ONE. Back in July when MBN SP was moving from 43c down to 18c I accurately called a bottom at 3c-7c now 3c, I was laughed at and ridiculed, yet it has proven. Looks like a bit of crystal ball gazing being discussed. Commodities. Market . . Latest Posts. ASX - Short Term Trading. The note holders would like to get some ROI and the current SP is not. . Forums. , page-8. ASX - By Stock. . . Most of the mining/ mineral resource company stocks are skyrocketing. ASX - Day Trading. 2M. ASX - General. . ASX - General. 89 much more stronger than then. $0. I do remember one poster saying that he was off to greener pastures when the sp dropped. We just got back, intruiging. 10. ASX - Day TradingMBN Operational UpdateThis statement pretty much shows nothing much has changed at MBN: "As a result the Company is not in a position to provide any operational, unit cash cost. , page-18. . Feb 25 (Reuters) - Mirabela Nickel Ltd (MBN) : Reliance on ASIC financial reporting relief Says further extension of the relief beyond 28 April 2016 may. Should se a nice share price increase today with all. Forums. 10. Latest Posts. International Markets. International Markets. Charts. HotCopper. , page-6. Not suprising as it has so few shares on issued. 0. Nickel must double in price. ASX - By Stock. ASX - General. Created with Sketch. , page-2. ASX - General. ASX - Day TradingTesoro Gold (ASX: TSO) is an Australian public company with exploration stage gold assets in Chile. Latest Posts. ASX - Day Trading. ASX - General. Claim your IR profileMBN Corporate Update. I only have a small holding so my losses will not be significant but am wondering if MBN can come back again? Nickel prices have been improving of late. I certainly include myself and a colleague in this lesson, I consider MBN a lesson. MBN advertised for sale in small financial review ad today. Charts. . Forums. Nickel closed at $4. Charts. . But appears to be getting on peoples radars. MBN Appointment of Voluntary AdministratorsIf MBN hypothetically re lists with a market cap of $50m this would be good for existing shareholders or am I missing something. . Created with Sketch. Forums. Further Edit, incredible voluntary disclosure from all. ASX - Day Trading. MBN is trading at $0. MBN Operational Update, page-2. Charts. 40 p. . Latest Posts. 6c last TH to 44c then back to 3c fighting all the way down. Created with Sketch. ASX - General. Now the Daily charts say . ASX - By Stock. Are you a Company Director ? Put your Investment Case to Hotcopper's 700K monthly unique visitors. ASX - Day Trading. ASX - Day Trading. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. . ASX - Short Term Trading. Claim your IR profileMBN Company and Operational Update. MBN advertised for sale in small financial review ad today. ASX - Day TradingI only have a small holding so my losses will not be significant but am wondering if MBN can come back again? Nickel prices have been improving of late. 2M. , page-2. DubiousDan, by the fact that the MBNClassAction. 24/07/2013Citi rates MBN as Buy (1) -June quarter production came in a bit shy of the broker’s forecasts on the back of lower quality ore, ongoing crusher. Imugene Limited. ASX - By Stock. . ASX - By Stock. I am working on this now. considering its current production profile . Created with Sketch. Had these shares from initial IPO 20c, bought and sold all the way along. MBN Q1 Investor Presentation Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. Feb 18 (Reuters) - Mirabela Nickel Ltd (MBN) : Operational update The santa rita mine will now be placed on care and maintenance Care and maintenance. Latest Posts. Forums. Volume sellers have scampered off, nowhere in sight, volume sells to 13. ASX - Short Term Trading. . I open this New Thread to get an input on you Guys of What do you think the Market Value of Mirabela. I do remember one poster saying that he was off to greener pastures when the sp dropped. Not sure if this is new information or not (from Ferrier Hodgson) but seems like it may not be over for us just yet. Forex. . Thankyou Dongli. 15, if all of the convertible notes are converted, the marekt cap fo MBN would be over $1 billion by my calculations. I would like to see if i still have all those shares, where to find them? Can someone post a link or something?HotCopper. in the barriers, looking ok. Forums. . . 89 much more stronger than then. Market . The following is very interesting :-Today 1. Well from yesterday's annoucement we can see that the seller is JP Morgan who has sold nearly 1. IPOs. MBN Reserve and Resource Statement. MBN is trading at $0. Created with Sketch. the law firm is Mony De Kerloy Solicitors of East. BRL dropping every 30c makes MBN profit another + US$20M according to the CFO, so since Q1 av BRL of 2. I can't access the full notice located here. Did a little research today and found these two articles. The MBN HC Posters share register (as revealed on here by posters) Kapetanios 2. US$30M working cap deal scuttled at signature stage just b4 TH by the CN holders. ASX - Day TradingCreated with Sketch. Market . At todays meeting with Solicitors Mony De Kerloy they have accepted the retainer to be engaged to commence legal. . Charts. , page-2. Addressing the. Forums. . HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on MIRABELA NICKEL LIMITED. ASX - Day Trading. . . MBN Q2 Investor Presentation, page-3. Bids at 8. Market. ASX - General. The bookbuild buying list is closed, no one left selling mbn stock, thats been evident for months now. heres what a broker says:"Production of 27,000tpa Ni and a mine life of 19+ years will make MBN one of the larger independent nickel sulphide producers in. To the HC Rebels I made a list of all of you before & we are holding 7M shares or 7% of MBN stock. 06 to the us$, a new record devaluation low. . ASX - By Stock. Read the headlines MBN announces a deal with the brasil govt to receive its secret us$11M tax refund, only revealed last few months, in exchange for other. Charts. Where are my MBN shares? Thread: Quantum Torus: 47: 33K: 1: 17/01/20: 17/01/20: ASX - By Stock: Thread: Created with Sketch. Not some hole in the middle of the. . Charts. Created with Sketch. Charts. ASX - Day Trading. Created with Sketch. I only have a small holding so my losses will not be significant but am wondering if MBN can come back again? Nickel prices have been improving of late. On 26 June 2014(See the announcement of this date) MBN reported its capital structure as below: 1. ASX - Day TradingWhen determining a trade / investment in MBN, I used a combination of FA and TA to determine fair value and likely price targets. Charts. Forums. The bookbuild buying list is closed, no one left selling mbn stock, thats been evident for months now. Created with Sketch. ASX - Day TradingSeems also that today MBN is lagging the Ni pack in the N2 Eclipse list whilst Stevensons picks WSA & POS are leading. Did a little research today and found these two articles. Market . Becoming a substantial holderCreated with Sketch. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. . Feb 18 (Reuters) - Mirabela Nickel Ltd (MBN) : Operational update The santa rita mine will now be placed on care and maintenance Care and maintenance. ASX - Short Term Trading. ASX - General. On 26 June 2014(See the announcement of this date) MBN reported its capital structure as below: 1. ASX - Short Term Trading. Did a little research today and found these two articles. 24 th NY time midnight they now sayCreated with Sketch. 40 to 4. Market . -0. , page-3. Created with Sketch. , page-2. The bookbuild buying list is closed, no one left selling mbn stock, thats been evident for months now. 35M Nototcall 2. MBN mine just sold for $1B again! This time Appian sold it again to Glencore & ACG with Glencore taking the offtake. Mbn is an unethical company that will rip you off blind i would never ever touch these shares. , page-3. On plant shutdown day 15M shares traded flushing. Looking good. Created with Sketch. We were told MBN was. . Hi fellow investors,Nickel 6. 2c Offers at 8. Enter a stock code eg. Views. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. . Forex. Created with Sketch. 35M Nototcall 2. Commodities. ASX - Day TradingThe BNYM subsidiary Pershing Aust P/L being the MBN major shareholder & creditor and controller of MBN debt and shares is piling into POS cheap! Just. . Latest Posts. . but why there is no announcement of. 929,710,216 fully paid ordinary shares; 2. Latest Posts. I am a long suffering holder of my remaining 1. ASX - Day Trading. . I open this New Thread to get an input on you Guys of What do you think the Market Value of Mirabela. . NSX - By Stock. $500,000 CAD. Charts. ASX - Day Trading. . Created with Sketch. MBN Q2 Investor PresentationCreated with Sketch. Is MBN cheaper than MCR? NO, I think that MCR is in good position but MBN will raise capital shortly. The costs with deposit being "upside down" is that still an issue for MBN? "Santa Rita is. Charts. June 15 (Reuters) - Mirabela Nickel Ltd (MBN) : Mbn sale process and operational update "Receivers are conducting an assessment of the prospects of a. MBN Cleary Contact Details 25. ASX - By Stock. The change follows the process of resuming. International Markets. NSX - By Stock. . 75 per cent senior. 6M in farm in deal at 80c. . ASX - General. Created with Sketch. Charts. , page-3. Further Edit, incredible voluntary disclosure from all. ASX - Day Trading. Created with Sketch. MBN 558 trades for $2,428,118Amazingly very similar!MNC. Created with Sketch. Like a war going on with troops!, page-2. Happy new year all and best of luck to us holders. Charts. ASX - By Stock. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. Forex. NSX - General. . Created with Sketch. hasn't done much lately with share price. 0 in weeks were spot on. Commodities. Created with Sketch. why now? when mbn's survival. . Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. . ASX - Day Trading. I. Forums. 097. Spoke on the phone to both Ferrier Hodgson and Kordamentha both told me Mirabela nickel was finished with shareholders and creditors receiving nil return. Company Name: Mirabela Nickel Limited (MBN) Industry Sector: Other Metals Expected Offer Open: 10th Jun 2004 Expected. ASX - By Stock. . Buyers will start to come again. ASX - By Stock. Join HotCopper today. I am working on this now. I downloaded the following from the Business News Americas website:Perth-based Mirabela Nickel (TSX: MNB, ASX: MBN) has completed a private placement of. Created with Sketch. . Im not sure how long will it take for MBN to get back to 20cents ( where it logically should be ) , but it will get there soon. . 1 MBN can be survival from this tsunami if it could not be sold.